The Disconnect Principle 
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The Disconnect Principle by Ann Latham

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Have you read The Power of Clarity?  
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The Power of Clarity by Ann Latham

Clarity is a good thing, right?

Right up there with mom and apple pie! But do we really even know what it is?  

The Power of Clarity by Ann Latham

Read the Introduction to The Power of Clarity and find out what it's all about before you buy the book!

“Ann Latham’s book, The Power of Clarity, is hands down the best business book I have read in years. It is well written and loaded with profound insights that can be immediately applied no matter where you sit in an organization."  

Joanne Irving, PhD

clinical psychologist, management consultant, and executive coach

How clear are you?

The word 'clarity' itself is incredibly unclear!

We have more shared vocabulary to describe the temperature of soup than the level of clarity! 

The Power of Clarity Chapter 1

Find out how clear you are and where clarity is and isn't in your organization. Read Chapter 1 of The Power of Clarity today!

“Ann Latham has made the ethereal practical in The Power of Clarity. Rich in examples and practical applications, it is a worthy contribution to the science and art of leadership."  

Matt Church

creator of Thought Leaders, author of Rise Up

Love those great quotes in The Disconnect Principle?

The Quotable Disconnect Principle

Download them now! Track your progress as you learn, apply, and share them. They are great reminders of the key concepts in The Disconnect Principle. And ready quotes by Ann for your social posts and articles about performance management. 

“With her trademark precision, Latham dissects the difficult conversations we have every day and proposes a better way. The Disconnect Principle re-wires those conversations, and shows how to inject empathy and sincerity into your interactions."  

Jennifer Geary

author of How to be a Chief Risk Officer

"Where are those words she used? I need to see them again! Just until I get a little more practice."

The Disconnect Principle Dialog Collection

The Disconnect Principle Dialog Collection to the rescue! Yours for free!

“It's such a simple but important concept outlined with the uncommon clarity I've come to know and love from author Ann Latham.

"The book even offers language you can use for different scenarios until you get into your own comfort zone with deploying the Disconnect Principle."

Kristin Cole

Vice President of Workforce Development, Greenfield Community College

The Disconnect Principle Effective Thinking Diagram

A quick visual to help you take care of your thoughts and treat others with the respect they deserve.

The Disconnect Principle Effective Thinking Diagram

Download this one pager now!

“There were two points in The Disconnect Principle that particularly resonated with me. That your thoughts influence how you come across in words and body language. I’ve seen this in action throughout my career. And, unsurprisingly, framing discussions around the phrase, 'We have a disconnect!' creates the space for meaningful dialogue."  

Mark Davis

Director Food Safety, PepsiCo

Do you speak with certainty about others?

If so, you may very well be drawing conclusions about personal attributes that are false and insulting. Know the difference!

The Disconnect Principle Visible vs Invisible Workbook

Download the Invisible vs. Visible Workbook to determine whether you need to corral your thoughts and your tongue!

The Disconnect Principle -- Pure and Simple

Short and sweet, just like The Disconnect Principle. This is a great reminder and a good way of introducing the Disconnect Principle to your team.

The Disconnect Principle Pure and Simple

Download this one-pager now!

“My coaching clients often unintentionally introduce friction when providing feedback that is meant to enhance performance. The Disconnect Principle provides a framework and language to help us avoid the risk of making things worse rather than better in feedback situations like these."  

Gena Cox, PhD

organizational psychologist, author of Leading Inclusion

Master the Mind Shifts required to  embrace The Disconnect Principle

The Disconnect Principle Mind Shift Summary

Download this Mind Shift Summary now so you don't forget and revert back to old ways of thinking! Better to feel confident than inadequate. Better to take timely action than to avoid issues. Better to be clear than to embed the message in fluff sandwiches. Better to have problem-solving conversations than painful conversations. Better to build trusting relationships and effective employees than tiptoe around worsening problems or damaging relationships beyond repair. Better to be partners than adversaries. Better to feel empathic and fair than miserable and mean. Embrace the Disconnect Principle now!

“WOW! Welcome to the Judgement-free Zone

"Ann Latham blows up the whole construct of constructive feedback, which takes a huge pressure off of managers, and replaces it with a simple, collaborative, judgement-free technique she calls ‘The Disconnect Principle.’  It’s so easy…but also incredibly practical, respectful and focused on truly improving performance, outcome, empowerment and engagement."

Jane Lansing

retired market executive

Download all the images in The Disconnect Principle

The Disconnect Principle Image Collection

If  you are listening to the audio edition of The Disconnect Principle, this is the place to download the images.

“Latham does it again!

"Ann Latham's newest book, The Disconnect Principle is equally as good as her book, The Power of Clarity. Latham's fresh approach to difficult work conversations is contrarian and refreshing. Her writing is crisp, clear and engaging.

"I knew after only reading the first two chapters, that I needed to recommend this book to my clients. If you haven't downloaded Latham's Power of Clarity, do so as well. Can't wait for her next book."

Roberta Matuson

Author of Can We Talk? and Suddenly in Charge

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The Power of Clarity by Ann Latham
The Disconnect Principle by Ann Latham

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